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eBay Variations & How To Rank on eBay’s First Page


    eBay Variations & How To Rank on eBay’s First Page

    Transcribe of “eBay Variations & How To Rank on eBay’s First Page”

    t-shirts ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations ebay variations t-shirts t-shirts t-shirts

    Hi guys, Neil Waterhouse. This week’s video is a step-by-step, showing how to add variations to your eBay listings. This is part of the whole series of free videos, showing step-by-step, how to get eBay listings on the first page. If you missed the other videos, I’ll also give you a link to those videos. Okay, so let’s launch into how to add variations to your eBay listings.

    How to add variations to your eBay listings

    Now, just so we’re on the same page, here’s an example of a multi variation eBay listing selling t-shirts, which has sold just over 18,000 times. Notice that with this eBay multi variation listing, you can select the size and the color of the t-shirts, and that’s the multi variation. This video shows you how to set that up. Okay, let’s get started. For this example, I’ll create a new listing, and to do that, click on the sell button at the top of any page on eBay.

    Create listing

    Then create listing, then single listing, then search for the correct category for whatever item you’re listing. For this example, I’ll choose men’s t-shirts. And as I type, eBay automatically shows what it believes to be the relevant category. In this case, eBay got it right and I selected the men’s t-shirt category. Now eBay takes me to the listing description page where you can enter all the details about the item your listing. Notice on this page, there’s a variations button.

    Variations button

    Now, if you’re not seeing the variations button, this is normally because of one of two reasons. The first reason is, you must have an eBay store for the variations button to show. If you don’t currently have an eBay store, the variations button will not show. Now if you don’t have an eBay store yet, but you’d like to know how to set one up, I’ll put a link on the screen and below to a free video showing you how to set up an eBay store. The other reason the variations button may not be showing is variations only works with fixed price listings.

    Multi variation listings do not work with auction listings

    Multi variation listings do not work with auction listings. If you scroll down this same page, there’s a box there where you can select fixed priced for this listing or auction. So if you plan to do a multi variation listing, select fixed price. Okay, so hopefully your create variations button is now showing. Next step is to click the create variations button. On this page, choose which sizes you have and material, and there’s also the add button so you can add any other attribute that you’d like to. For this example, I’ll add color and size.

    Just a matter of clicking on whichever variations suit the item you’re listing

    Next is just a matter of clicking on whichever variations suit the item you’re listing. For this example, I’ll click on small, medium, and large. Notice, that once you click on whichever options you choose here, those options instantly show on the right-hand side. Next I’ll click on the color attribute and then select black, blue, and to be different, purple. Notice again that these options are now showing on the right-hand side. Once you’ve finished adding attributes and options, click the blue continue button.

    Upload your photos, just like you’d upload photos with any other non multi variation

    Next, upload your photos, just like you’d upload photos with any other non multi variation eBay listing. Next you can allocate a photo for each option. So when a buyer selects say, a black t-shirt, eBay displays a black t-shirt. Now if you scroll down, you’ll see all the different variations that you’ve created. Here you can add price for each variation and you can also add the quantity, and also, if you don’t have any of those variations that eBay is showing you now, you can delete any variation that you don’t have.

    Use a program like Scarcity Manager to check your supplier’s inventory levels

    Also, if you use a program like Scarcity Manager to check your supplier’s inventory levels, you’ll need to add a SKU number for each eBay variation for Scarcity Manager to work. Now the SKU number can be anything at all, but you must make sure each SKU number for each variation is different. After you’ve done that, click on the blue save and close button.

    Populating any other non multi variation eBay listing

    The next steps are, just like populating any other non multi variation eBay listing, i.e. title description, you know, shipping optimization, et cetera. I won’t go into those fields in this video as I’ve done that many times before, but, if you’re not sure how to populate and optimize those fields, I’ll put a link on the screen and below to another free video showing you how to do this.

    Link on the screen and below to the whole video series

    I’ll also put a link on the screen and below to the whole video series, which shows you how, step-by-step, how to rank on eBay’s first page. That’s all for this week. Please leave me a comment below. I’d love to hear about where you’re up to on your online journey. And while you’re there, make sure you hit the subscribe button for the no fluff channel that teaches how anyone can make full-time living from their home dropshipping using less than $100. Until next week, stay safe, list more, sell more. This is Neil Waterhouse.


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