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How To Find Local Dropship Suppliers


    How To Find Local Dropship Suppliers

    Transcribe of “How To Find Local Dropship Suppliers”

    Dropship suppliers

    Hi, guys, Neil Waterhouse This week’s video is about how to find local dropship suppliers. You can use this same strategy to find local dropship suppliers all over the world, including Australia, USA, Canada, UK, etc. And again, this is another task more strategy that you can first learn to do yourself. And then you can fully automate this task by using a virtual assistant, which costs from $1 per hour.

    Ways to find local dropship suppliers

    Now, there are many ways to find local dropship suppliers. And this first way that I’ll show you now is a great way to find local suppliers if you’re just starting out in dropship journey. Now, once you’ve mastered this strategy, you can then move to the more advanced strategy. And I’ll also give you a link to a previous week’s video, which shows that more advanced version of course, that’s for free. But it’s all about baby steps, one baby step at a time. Okay, let’s launch straight into it.

    What we call a power keyword

    So for this strategy, you’ll first need what we call a power keyword. And the power keyword is simply a product that sells on eBay or Amazon for between $50 to $2,000. But you can set your own criteria, that’s just our criteria, but ours is $50 to 2000. It’s up to you what price you want. Anyway, and I also had to sell 15 times or more per month. So for example, letterbox. Now if you’re stuck finding power keywords or don’t know how to find power keywords, I’ll put a link on the screen and below to another previous week’s free video showing how you can quickly download 1000 power keywords for free.

    Go to Google and search that keyword

    Now, once you have your power keyword, I.e. letterbox simply go to Google and search that keyword and that will come a ton of potential dropship suppliers. Now for our criteria, a dropship supplier must meet five criteria for them to be what we classify as a dropship supplier. Number one criteria for local dropship supplier to go on our list of local dropship suppliers is the supplier must be located in the country that you’re building the dropship business in.

    If you’re building a dropship business in say, Australia, the supplier must be located in Australia

    So for example, if you’re building a dropship business in say, Australia, the supplier must be located in Australia. Two, the supplier must be able to dispatch within two business days. Three, the supplier must not put an invoice in the box, if you sold the item for say $500 and there’s an invoice in the box of say $300, obviously, the buyer is not going to be happy. Four, the supplier must have what we call a dynamic website. And that is a website that shows whether or not the supplier has inventory in stock.

    You don’t want to sell items

    You don’t want to sell items, undefined if the supplier has got none in stock. Now this process again, supplier inventory checking, can again be fully automated using software. I’ll again put a link on the screen below to another previous week’s video showing how to fully automate supplier inventory checking. Now, number five is a supplier must not put any branding on their boxes. You don’t want to sell an item on one Park Place. And then when it arrives in a box and say came up branding, obviously the customer is going to be upset.

    You must use a VPN or remote login program

    And also, before I forget, if you’re researching suppliers in a different country to where you’re located, you must use a VPN or remote login program. Otherwise, you’ll not see all the potential suppliers in the other country. Google will always bias the search results to the country that you’re searching from. So if you’re located in South Australia, Google will bias the search results to Australia. Another example is you have virtual assistants working for you and they’re located say in the Philippines, Google will bias their search results to the Philippines.

    How to use a VPN for eBay and Amazon research

    Now if you don’t know what a VPN or remote logging program is, or how to use a VPN for eBay and Amazon research, I’ll put another link on the screen below to another previous week’s video. That’s all for this week, if you want to know more about other ways to find local dropship suppliers. I have a whole detailed free course on this and again, I’ll put a link on the screen and below as well. Please leave a comment below and while you’re there, make sure you hit the subscribe button to the Neil Waterhouse channel that teaches anyone can make a full time living from their home, drop Shipping using less than $100. Until next week, stay safe. List more sell more, this is Neil Waterhouse.

    How to find virtual assistants from $1 per hour.

    Download 1,000 Power Keywords For Free

    How To Automatically Check Suppliers Inventory.

    How To Find Dropship Suppliers Using a Free VPN

    How to make $4,000 per month selling on eBay and Amazon, from home.

    How To Choose a Username To Increase Sales.

    Amazon Product Research (Step By Step With Helium 10)

    Amazon Product Research (Step By Step With Helium 10)

    eBay Best Selling Items



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