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eBay Keywords Research Tools


eBay Keywords Research Tools

eBay Keywords Research Tools

Hi guys, Neil Waterhouse. This week’s video is about eBay keyword research tools. All the tools I’ll be showing you in this week’s video to do with eBay keyword research are all free. In this video, I’m going to show you how to find more relevant keywords for you’re eBay titles and eBay descriptions. And then, how to figure out which of those keywords get the most traffic.

How to figure out which of those keywords get the most traffic

The more relevant highly searchable keywords that you place in your eBay title and description, the more buyers will find your eBay listings. Let’s launch straight on into it. Let’s say the item that you want to find more relevant keywords for is a solar panel. The first place we go to for eBay keyword research is the eBay autosuggestion tool, also known as a eBay search box.

If I type into the search box the keyword phrase solar panel,

the eBay autosuggestion tool instantly shows me other popular keyword phrases, by the most popular keyword phrase.

The most popular keyword phrase is at the top. Let’s say you do this quick bit of research and discover that regulator is also a popular, relevant keyword for your eBay listing. Next add that keyword, in this case, regulator to your search keywords.

And eBay will show you more popular keyword phrases that people are searching for.

From those keywords, phrases start writing down the keywords which are relevant for your item. As we’ll be, shortly, figuring out which keywords get the most traffic.

The first part of this task is just to collect popular, relevant keywords. Next, while you’re on eBay, click on one of the relevant keyword phrases that eBay’s showing you and look at the keywords on the titles, on say, five to 10 of your competitors.

Again, document any other keywords that are relevant to the item that you’re listing. Next, go to the biggest search engine on the planet, i.e. Google, and do the same.

Here, I type in solar panel regulator, and, again, Google’s auto suggestion tool shows me the most popular search phrases by the most popular at the top.

I can, again, record any relevant keywords.

Go to Amazon and use Amazon’s autosuggestion tool

You can also go to Amazon and use Amazon’s autosuggestion tool, i.e. the Amazon search box.

Here again, I search for the keyword phrase, solar panel and Amazon shows me the most searched for keyword phrases.

You can also, while you’re there, click more keyword phrases from the Amazon listings from your competitive listings. If you still need more keywords, the next place you can go is

Here again, I search for the keyword phrase, solar panel.

Answer the Public shows me a gazillion keywords.

Use eBay’s research tool called, Terapeak

You can also, use eBay’s research tool called, Terapeak. I did a Terapeak review video last week, so I won’t do that again now, but if you missed it, I’ll put a link on the screen and below to that video. So, after doing all this eBay keyword research you should have quite a collection of solar panel related keywords. The next step is to find which keywords are the most popular, as eBay only allows you to put 80 characters in the title. It’s very important to use the keywords which are the most relevant and get the most traffic. However, there is a caveat, some keywords like review get a ton of traffic, however, very low sales conversions. It all comes down to the average human being’s buying cycle and where they are in that buying cycle.

The steps the average human being takes before they purchase something

The steps the average human being takes before they purchase something. The average human first researches and then they purchase. Let me explain, with keywords we want to use popular relevant keywords which people use at the end of their buying cycle. As an example, if somebody was in the market for, say a new camera, their first keyword phrase which they might type into Google could be digital camera reviews. Then after doing some research they decide on a Canon EOS 850D. So, in this scenario the keyword phrase, digital camera reviews has the highest traffic by far, compared to the keyword phrase, Canon EOS 850D. However, the keyword phrase Canon EOS 850D is where the money is.

In people’s buying cycles, when they search for a keyword phrase

When people search for Canon EOS 850D they’re much more ready to purchase than when they search for digital camera reviews, in other words, they’re at the end of their buying cycle. In people’s buying cycles, when they search for a keyword phrase like digital camera reviews, they’ve only just started the buying cycle and therefore, this keyword phrase has a very low conversion ratio to sales. The keyword phrase Canon EOS 850D has a very high sales conversion ratio. Digital camera reviews may get a lot of traffic but not the correct traffic.

Now to find which keywords get the most traffic the tool we use is Google Trends.

I put a link on the screen and also below. Now, Google Trends is a very powerful feature. It doesn’t show how many searches a keyword or phrase gets, however, Google Trends allows you to compare multiple keywords. This comparison is where the power of Google Trends exists. Here, I’ll do a comparison of a solar panels to solar cell. To do this enter one keyword phrase then enter a comma, then the next keyword phrase.

You can enter multiple keywords or keyword phrases at a time

You can enter multiple keywords or keyword phrases at a time but they must be separated by a comma. Can see that solar panel gets a lot more searches than a solar cell.

You can also add more keywords to this search by clicking on the Add Comparison button.

You can also choose which country you’d like to see the data from.

That’s it. I hope this video, hopefully, showed you some eBay keyword research tools. That’s all for this week. Please scroll on down and leave me a comment below and while you’re there, make sure you hit the Subscribe button for more no-fluff hints, tips, and automation strategies to make money on eBay and Amazon without leaving the comfort of your own home. Until next week, stay safe, list more, sell more. This is Neil Waterhouse.

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3 thoughts on “eBay Keywords Research Tools”

  1. Hi Neil :

    This has nothing to do with keyword research . I am looking for a tool like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout but can be used to analyse products on the Australian market . Keepa does not support the Aussie market but CamelCamelCamel does . Is there a similar tool to Keepa other than CCC I can use . I have no problem paying a monthly fee to use it



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